Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust

Our Strategy

Our strategy positions Northumbria to continue delivering high quality, responsive and caring services despite these growing challenges.

In developing this strategy we have carefully considered all these issues and you can read about this in greater detail in the 5 Year Forward Plan 2023/2028.


To be the leader in providing high quality, safe and caring health and care services and to lead collectively with partners, to deliver system wide healthcare.


We will transform the traditional hospital-based model to ensure people are true partners in determining their own health provision alongside maintaining, and where possible, diversifying our business model to secure a sustainable future.

The big signals…

In order to realise our ambitions of delivering high quality, safe and sustainable services, the Trust will need to meet the significant challenges which it faces. The challenges and our associated actions to ensure the Trust remains clinically, operationally and financially sustainable over the coming years are summarised in this strategic overview but explained in more detail within the 5 Year Forward Plan 2023/2028.

Northumbria as an organisation is made up of five separate Business Units and corporate services. All these groups have been working to develop a detailed strategic plan to describe our collective ambitions for taking services forward over the next 5 years. This has included work to investigate and horizon scan for clinical or operational developments and exciting innovations.

These plans have been formulated around the eight “Big Signals” which describe the key areas of delivery.

These are:

  • Support our patients and our people
  • Grow our own people, and keep them
  • Continue our strong performance
  • Support economic growth, tackle inequalities, and climate change
  • Innovate and continuously improve our services
  • Make progress digitally
  • Develop our estate
  • Work in partnership across our system