On behalf of The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust, welcome to this recruitment website for our Shared Chair appointment.
The purpose of this new role is to support the development of a single, unified voice for the organisations. This will make decision-making more streamlined and strengthen our ability to develop collective plans which benefit our patients. With North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust we have formed a collective working arrangement known as the Great North Healthcare Alliance and a further purpose of this role is to increase the strategic influence of the Alliance regionally and nationally.
The Shared Chair will help us to build on the strong existing collaboration and partnerships, and offers the opportunity to make a real impact within the communities served by the three Trusts. You will deliver cohesive leadership across the three organisations, supporting effective patient pathways, better patient outcomes, reducing health inequalities and facilitating the sharing of best practice and technologies.
The appointment will be made by the Councils of Governors of the three Trusts, supported by a Joint Nominations Committee, and arrangements are in place for candidates to speak to individual members of the three organisations, including the three CEOs, later in the process. In the meantime, once you have read the details in this website, please contact Robin Staveley of GatenbySanderson for an informal conversation about the role and the recruitment process, either via robin.staveley@gatenbysanderson.com or on 07789 273778.
Judy Carrick, Lead Governor, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Gill Close, Lead Governor, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Steve Connolly, Lead Governor, Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust